CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE für V5-Anwender (6DT)

Zielgruppe: | Konstrukteure, Technische Zeichner, Technische Produktdesigner |
Voraussetzung: | Kurs EWE empfohlen |
Lernziel: | Datenverwaltung und Konstruktion mit CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE für erfahrene V5-Anwender |
- 3DEXPERIENCE Client Benutzeroberfläche
- Daten importieren und exportieren
- Suchen, öffnen und sichern von Objekten
- neue Produkte und Teile erzeugen
- Baugruppen erstellen und Komponenten positionieren
- Materialien anwenden
- das Gewicht eines Produkts berechnen
- Zeichnungserstellung
- Produktlebenszyklus steuern
- Teile ersetzen und Produkte aktualisieren
- Teile im Kontext konstruieren
- Baugruppenkomponenten
- Kataloge erstellen
- Baugruppen analysieren
Detaillierte Kursinhalte anzeigen
6DT - Detaillierte Kursinhalte:
Transition to the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform for Designers
Creating New Content:
About data identification,
Exporting and Importing data using 3D XML files,
V5 versus 3DEXPERIENCE product structure,
Creating new PLM objects,
Inserting existing objects,
Insert an existing part or product.
Creating a New 3D Part:
About 3D part creation,
The part design action bar tools,
The sketcher action bar tools.
Creating Engineering Connections:
Engineering connections – definition,
V5 constraints vs. the 3DEXPERIENCE engineering connections,
How to create engineering connections,
The engineering connection definition dialog bos,
Engineering connections options and 3D visualization.
Calculating the Weight:
About material properties,
About material types,
Applying material properties,
Modifying material properties,
About weight definition,
The weight attributes table,
Computing the weight,
Weight distribution.
Creating a Drawing:
How to generate a new drawing,
Managing the drawing representation,
How to insert an existing drawing representation,
Managing the drawing tabs.
Creating a New Version:
Introduction to the lifecycle action bar,
About product maturity,
Creating minor versions,
Creating major versions,
Replacing parts.
Managing Product Structure:
About publications,
Identifying elements in the tree,
Creating a publication,
Associating geometry to an empty publication,
Editing publications,
Managing skeletons,
How to create a skeleton,
Contextual engineering connections and skeleton methodology,
Comparison between V5 and the 3DEXPERIENCE platform skeleton,
Shared representations.
Designing in Context:
About missing instance links,
Why edit links and relations,
How to access the edit links dialog box,
Tools in the edit links and relations dialog box,
Reconnecting links,
Understanding the meaning of context,
Comparison of V5 and 3DEXPERIENCE contexts,
Contextual documents symbols,
Changing context,
Automatic change of context,
Reducing context to minimum.
Working with Large Assemblies:
About the thumbnail builder,
Accessing design data and opening objects independently,
Loading referenced objects,
Using open advanced,
Selective loading,
About similar search.
Creating Assembly Features:
Comparison of V5 and 3DEXPERIENCE assembly features,
About assembly features,
What are affected parts,
Creating an assembly hole feature,
Creating an assembly protected feature,
About assembly symmetry.
Creating and Using Catalogs:
About 3DEXPERIENCE catalogs,
Adding and exploring catalogs,
The design IP classification app user interface,
Creating and copying chapters,
Managing keywords,
Creating component family,
Managing catalogs of component families,
Insert items,
About the catalog browser,
Inserting items using the catalog browser.
Analyzing Assemblies:
Introduction to analyzing assemblies,
Analyzing the update status,
Comparison of V5 and 3DEXPERIENCE interference analysis,
Analyzing interferences in an assembly,
How to create an interference simulation,
Modifying an interference simulation,
Viewing the interference results.
Managing of CAD-data information in the web-client